Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tiny and Dyna Might!!!

Today, I bring you sisters.
They're the only sister  I have at the moment. I found Tiny at walmart the other day next to a couple other Littles. I don't have any other Littles, and never really wanted to get any... but she spoke to me. Not literally. Her sewn on date is my mother and aunts birthday. My aunt has been in the hospital for months now, and she's been fighting for her life a lot more than anyone should ever have to. She's what I thought of when I saw Tiny Might. So, I had to put her in the cart and take her home. Dyna is a doll I got back in October, as an anniversary gift, along with several other Lalaloopsy dolls. I didn't want to get her at first either, because there were others I wanted more. Paul kept insisting that I get her, so we did. Now she's one of my favorite dolls. 

With Dyna Might, she has buns in her hair, white goggles and a pink polkadot cape. She's wearing an image and pink outfit with a big yellow button and white boots. Her pet is an orange raccoon with pink goggles on. This is a cool box set up. She has keyword POW in he comic strip style. I love that so much! Her sewn on date is April 28th, sewn from a hero's cape and her personality is speedy and brave. The back of her box is pretty neat. Her clouds have thunderbolts, her trees have eyes masks and capes, her house is on a cloud and is covered in stars. She even has a telephone booth to change into her super hero uniform! Whoever designed that should get a big bonus. It's a very cool display. 

Now, Tiny Might didn't have the regular box with the handle. She's just got a cardboard platform with a back. That's it. I'm not a fan of this style box MGA ENTERTAINMENT. I'd rather my dolls not get dust on them. Ever. Unless I have them loose. And this box just makes me want to take her out of this box. Other than the box, she's pretty perfect. She's go an outfit on that goes with Dyna's outfit. She has a hot pink cape, white shoes, green hair, with a lightning bolt in her bangs, and her pigtails look like wings! Her pet is a pink hedgehog with orange goggles on. Her box isn't as awesome as Dyna's box. But that's okay. She has a trampoline and ladders hang in from the trees. Her sewn on dat is September 25th, from a hero's cape, and she looks before she leaps. 

So there's my sisters! Both are very adorable and awesome. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!

Next post will be more dolls from my collection. I have a few coming in the mail, ad can't wait to share them! 
Until next time,

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